Hoover Street Revival

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Shot on digital video in South Central Los Angeles, this is a studiously restrained, non-invasive documentary about the ministry of Jamaican-born Reverend Noel Jones at the Greater Bethany Community church.
I've got to confess to being baffled and disappointed by this movie, which seemed never to penetrate any particular aspect of his church and community. Jones's opinions on faith, scripture, race, the LAPD... none of these were solicited, and director Sophie Fiennes made no attempt to dig deeply, or even shallowly, into the clearly fascinating character of Jones himself.
He is not interviewed, and is shown speaking in private only rarely and unrevealingly. How did he find his vocation? Has he ever suffered from doubt? How did he develop that fascinating oratorical style: sometimes whispering, sometimes singing? It's a mystery. Instead, we get extensive, but not exactly compelling, footage of his services.
The director is laudably respectful towards her subjects. But there is something fastidious, even timid, in her reluctance to investigate.


baffled - zmieszany, zdumiony, zakłopotany

compelling - pociągający, nieodparty,

to confess - wyznać

to dig - kopać, dokopywać się

extensive - rozległy, obszerny, ogromny, ekstensywny

fastidious - drobiazgowy, wymagający, wybredny

footage - odcinek filmu

laudably - w sposób godny pochwały

ministry - służba

mystery - tajemnica

non-invasive - nie inwazyjny

oratorical style - styl oratorski, krasomówczy

reluctance - niechęć

restrained - powściągliwy

reverend - wielebny (o duchownym chrześcijańskim)

scripture - święte pisma, Biblia

services - służba, posługa

to shoot, shot, shot - nakręcić film

to solicit - ubiegać się, starać się, czynić starania, nagabywać, molestować

studiously - w sposób wystudiowany, starannie

timid - nieśmiały, bojaźliwy

unrevealingly - nie ujawniając

vocation - powołanie

to whisper - szeptać


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