Corpse Bride
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride flaunts its gifted creator's name in the title, though you suspect that most of the time-consuming work of stop-motion animation was handled by the full-time animator Mike Johnson, who's credited as co-director.
Working with an otherwise British cast, Johnny Depp in his fifth collaboration with Burton provides the convincingly English voice for the diffident hero Victor, whose nouveau riche fishmonger father is marrying him off to the daughter (Emily Watson) of an awful family of impoverished aristocrats. But one night in the woods, while practising his wedding vows, he's heard by a once-beautiful corpse (Helena Bonham Carter in her second animated movie this month) who's been robbed and murdered by her treacherous lover. Reaching up through the undergrowth, she drags him down into the underworld to be her groom. After recovering from this shock, he has to sort out his life as a man torn between the oppressive, largely monochrome world of the living and the cheerful, polychrome Land of the Dead.
It's a brisk, inventive movie with a terrific sword fight in an old church between Victor and the evil fortune-seeking Lord Barkis Bittern (Richard E Grant) and bizarre jokes such as the cynical maggot who inhabits the bride's skull and occasionally pushes her eyeballs out. In the scenes where a band of skeletons perform jazz on instruments made of bone there's a homage to Disney's first Silly Symphony, The Skeleton Dance of 1929, and at one point the hero plays a grand piano bearing the name Harryhausen, a tribute to the great exponent of stop-motion animation, Ray Harryhausen. Otherwise, apart from a brief, rather laboured reference to Gone with the Wind, there is a welcome absence of movie jokes. The film gives full rein to Burton's eccentric imagination, and generally it avoids morbidity. Younger children will need a hand to hold or a seat to hide under.
bizarre- groteskowy, dziwaczny
brisk- pełen werwy, żwawy, rześki
collaboration- współpraca
convincingly- przekonywająco
drag sb down- wlec, zawlec; obnizyć poziom życia
exponent- przedstawiciel
flaunt- obnosić się, afiszować, paradować
fortune-seeking- szukający szczęścia
homage- hołd, cześć
maggot- bydlę, podlec
morbidity- stan chorobowy, chorobliwość
provide- zapewniać, dostarczać
recover (from)- odzyskiwac siły, otrząsnąć się
sort out- uporządkować
time-consuming- czasochłonny
treacherous- zdradziecki, niebezpieczny, skrytobójczy
undergrowth- poszycie, zarośla
wedding vow- przysięga małżeńska