AIDS – Now You See It, Now You Don’t
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Artykuły
- Kategoria: Artykuły z New Warsaw Express

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"
It took three months for the local blood donation clinic in Olsztyn to inform regular donor Edward P. that his most recent contribution had tested positive for AIDS . only for a second independent result two days later to confirm he did not have the disease.
"I felt my legs quake underneath me," Edward P. told local reporters from Gazeta Wyborcza on Monday. "I was thinking: how many people can I have infected? Why did it take three months for them to tell me?!"
Officials from the Sanepid public health authority in Olsztyn say that there have been a stream of similar cases in the region's blood donation centers, with more than 10 people reporting for follow-up AIDS tests that then proved negative.
The national AIDS centre has been informed of the problem and has promised to take action on the issue in autumn. The centre says that the problem has surfaced only in the Olsztyn region.